Extending/Customizing Eigen
General topics
- Writing Functions Taking Eigen Types as Parameters
- Preprocessor directives
- Assertions
- Eigen and multi-threading
- Using BLAS/LAPACK from Eigen
- Using Intel® MKL from Eigen
- Using Eigen in CUDA kernels
- Common pitfalls
- The template and typename keywords in C++
Understanding Eigen
- Using Eigen in CMake Projects
Unclassified pages
- Deprecated List
- Extending/Customizing Eigen
General topics
- Writing Functions Taking Eigen Types as Parameters
- Preprocessor directives
- Assertions
- Eigen and multi-threading
- Using BLAS/LAPACK from Eigen
- Using Intel® MKL from Eigen
- Using Eigen in CUDA kernels
- Common pitfalls
- The template and typename keywords in C++
- Understanding Eigen
- Using Eigen in CMake Projects