template<typename ExpressionType, int Direction>
Eigen::VectorwiseOp class

Pseudo expression providing broadcasting and partial reduction operations.

Template parameters
ExpressionType the type of the object on which to do partial reductions
Direction indicates whether to operate on columns (Vertical) or rows (Horizontal)

This class represents a pseudo expression with broadcasting and partial reduction features. It is the return type of DenseBase::colwise() and DenseBase::rowwise() and most of the time this is the only way it is explicitly used.

To understand the logic of rowwise/colwise expression, let's consider a generic case A.colwise().foo() where foo is any method of VectorwiseOp. This expression is equivalent to applying foo() to each column of A and then re-assemble the outputs in a matrix expression: [A.col(0).foo(), A.col(1).foo(), ..., A.col(A.cols()-1).foo()]


Matrix3d m = Matrix3d::Random();
cout << "Here is the matrix m:" << endl << m << endl;
cout << "Here is the sum of each column:" << endl << m.colwise().sum() << endl;
cout << "Here is the maximum absolute value of each column:"
     << endl << m.cwiseAbs().colwise().maxCoeff() << endl;


Here is the matrix m:
  0.68  0.597  -0.33
-0.211  0.823  0.536
 0.566 -0.605 -0.444
Here is the sum of each column:
  1.04  0.815 -0.238
Here is the maximum absolute value of each column:
 0.68 0.823 0.536

The begin() and end() methods are obviously exceptions to the previous rule as they return STL-compatible begin/end iterators to the rows or columns of the nested expression. Typical use cases include for-range-loop and calls to STL algorithms:


Matrix3i m = Matrix3i::Random();
cout << "Here is the initial matrix m:" << endl << m << endl;
int i = -1;
for(auto c: m.colwise()) {
  c *= i;
cout << "Here is the matrix m after the for-range-loop:" << endl << m << endl;
auto cols = m.colwise();
auto it = std::find_if(cols.cbegin(), cols.cend(),
                       [](Matrix3i::ConstColXpr x) { return x.squaredNorm() == 0; });
cout << "The first empty column is: " << distance(cols.cbegin(),it) << endl;


Here is the initial matrix m:
 7  6 -3
-2  9  6
 6 -6 -5
Here is the matrix m after the for-range-loop:
-7  0 -3
 2  0  6
-6  0 -5
The first empty column is: 1

For a partial reduction on an empty input, some rules apply. For the sake of clarity, let's consider a vertical reduction:

  • If the number of columns is zero, then a 1x0 row-major vector expression is returned.
  • Otherwise, if the number of rows is zero, then
    • a row vector of zeros is returned for sum-like reductions (sum, squaredNorm, norm, etc.)
    • a row vector of ones is returned for a product reduction (e.g., MatrixXd(n,0).colwise().prod())
    • an assert is triggered for all other reductions (minCoeff,maxCoeff,redux(bin_op))

Public types

enum (anonymous) { isVertical = (Direction==Vertical) ? 1 : 0, isHorizontal = (Direction==Horizontal) ? 1 : 0 }
enum (anonymous) { HNormalized_Size = Direction==Vertical ? internal::traits<ExpressionType>::RowsAtCompileTime : internal::traits<ExpressionType>::ColsAtCompileTime, HNormalized_SizeMinusOne = HNormalized_Size==Dynamic ? Dynamic : HNormalized_Size-1 }
using AllReturnType = ReturnType<internal::member_all>::Type
using AnyReturnType = ReturnType<internal::member_any>::Type
using BlueNormReturnType = ReturnType<internal::member_blueNorm, RealScalar>::Type
using ConstReverseReturnType = Reverse<const ExpressionType, Direction>
using CountReturnType = PartialReduxExpr<ExpressionType, internal::member_count<Index, Scalar>, Direction>
using CrossReturnType = ExpressionType::PlainObject
using ExpressionTypeNested = internal::ref_selector<ExpressionType>::non_const_type
using ExpressionTypeNestedCleaned = internal::remove_all<ExpressionTypeNested>::type
using HNormalized_Block = Block<const ExpressionType, Direction==Vertical ? int(HNormalized_SizeMinusOne) :int(internal::traits<ExpressionType>::RowsAtCompileTime), Direction==Horizontal ? int(HNormalized_SizeMinusOne) :int(internal::traits<ExpressionType>::ColsAtCompileTime)>
using HNormalized_Factors = Block<const ExpressionType, Direction==Vertical ? 1 :int(internal::traits<ExpressionType>::RowsAtCompileTime), Direction==Horizontal ? 1 :int(internal::traits<ExpressionType>::ColsAtCompileTime)>
using HNormalizedReturnType = CwiseBinaryOp<internal::scalar_quotient_op<typename internal::traits<ExpressionType>::Scalar>, const HNormalized_Block, const Replicate<HNormalized_Factors, Direction==Vertical ? HNormalized_SizeMinusOne :1, Direction==Horizontal ? HNormalized_SizeMinusOne :1>>
using HomogeneousReturnType = Homogeneous<ExpressionType, Direction>
using HypotNormReturnType = ReturnType<internal::member_hypotNorm, RealScalar>::Type
using Index = Eigen::Index deprecated
using MaxCoeffReturnType = ReturnType<internal::member_maxCoeff>::Type
using MinCoeffReturnType = ReturnType<internal::member_minCoeff>::Type
using NormReturnType = CwiseUnaryOp<internal::scalar_sqrt_op<RealScalar>, const SquaredNormReturnType>
using ProdReturnType = ReturnType<internal::member_prod>::Type
using RealScalar = ExpressionType::RealScalar
using ReplicateReturnType = Replicate<ExpressionType,(isVertical?Dynamic:1),(isHorizontal?Dynamic:1)>
using ReverseReturnType = Reverse<ExpressionType, Direction>
using Scalar = ExpressionType::Scalar
using SquaredNormReturnType = PartialReduxExpr<const CwiseUnaryOp<internal::scalar_abs2_op<Scalar>, const ExpressionTypeNestedCleaned>, internal::member_sum<RealScalar, RealScalar>, Direction>
using StableNormReturnType = ReturnType<internal::member_stableNorm, RealScalar>::Type
using SumReturnType = ReturnType<internal::member_sum>::Type

Constructors, destructors, conversion operators

VectorwiseOp(ExpressionType& matrix) explicit

Public functions

auto _expression() const -> const ExpressionType&
auto all() const -> const AllReturnType
auto any() const -> const AnyReturnType
auto begin() const -> iterator
auto blueNorm() const -> const BlueNormReturnType
auto cbegin() const -> const_iterator
auto cend() const -> const_iterator
auto count() const -> const CountReturnType
template<typename OtherDerived>
auto cross(const MatrixBase<OtherDerived>& other) const -> const CrossReturnType
auto EIGEN_EXPR_BINARYOP_SCALAR_RETURN_TYPE(SumReturnType, Scalar, quotient) MeanReturnType -> typedef
auto end() const -> iterator
auto hnormalized() const -> const HNormalizedReturnType
column or row-wise homogeneous normalization
auto homogeneous() const -> HomogeneousReturnType
auto hypotNorm() const -> const HypotNormReturnType
template<int p>
auto lpNorm() const -> const LpNormReturnType<p>::Type
auto maxCoeff() const -> const MaxCoeffReturnType
auto mean() const -> const MeanReturnType
auto minCoeff() const -> const MinCoeffReturnType
auto norm() const -> const NormReturnType
void normalize()
auto normalized() const -> CwiseBinaryOp<internal::scalar_quotient_op<Scalar>, const ExpressionTypeNestedCleaned, const typename OppositeExtendedType<NormReturnType>::Type>
template<typename OtherDerived>
auto operator*(const DenseBase<OtherDerived>& other) const -> CwiseBinaryOp<internal::scalar_product_op<Scalar>, const ExpressionTypeNestedCleaned, const typename ExtendedType<OtherDerived>::Type>
template<typename OtherDerived>
auto operator*=(const DenseBase<OtherDerived>& other) -> ExpressionType&
template<typename OtherDerived>
auto operator+(const DenseBase<OtherDerived>& other) const -> CwiseBinaryOp<internal::scalar_sum_op<Scalar, typename OtherDerived::Scalar>, const ExpressionTypeNestedCleaned, const typename ExtendedType<OtherDerived>::Type>
template<typename OtherDerived>
auto operator+=(const DenseBase<OtherDerived>& other) -> ExpressionType&
template<typename OtherDerived>
auto operator-(const DenseBase<OtherDerived>& other) const -> CwiseBinaryOp<internal::scalar_difference_op<Scalar, typename OtherDerived::Scalar>, const ExpressionTypeNestedCleaned, const typename ExtendedType<OtherDerived>::Type>
template<typename OtherDerived>
auto operator-=(const DenseBase<OtherDerived>& other) -> ExpressionType&
template<typename OtherDerived>
auto operator/(const DenseBase<OtherDerived>& other) const -> CwiseBinaryOp<internal::scalar_quotient_op<Scalar>, const ExpressionTypeNestedCleaned, const typename ExtendedType<OtherDerived>::Type>
template<typename OtherDerived>
auto operator/=(const DenseBase<OtherDerived>& other) -> ExpressionType&
template<typename OtherDerived>
auto operator=(const DenseBase<OtherDerived>& other) -> ExpressionType&
auto prod() const -> const ProdReturnType
template<typename BinaryOp>
auto redux(const BinaryOp& func = BinaryOp()) const -> const ReduxReturnType<BinaryOp>::Type
auto replicate(Index factor) const -> const ReplicateReturnType
template<int Factor>
auto replicate(Index factor = Factor) const -> const Replicate<ExpressionType, isVertical*Factor+isHorizontal, isHorizontal*Factor+isVertical>
auto reverse() const -> const ConstReverseReturnType
auto reverse() -> ReverseReturnType
void reverseInPlace()
auto squaredNorm() const -> const SquaredNormReturnType
auto stableNorm() const -> const StableNormReturnType
auto sum() const -> const SumReturnType

Public variables

random_access_iterator_type const_iterator
random_access_iterator_type iterator

Protected functions

template<typename OtherDerived>
auto extendedTo(const DenseBase<OtherDerived>& other) const -> ExtendedType<OtherDerived>::Type
template<typename OtherDerived>
auto extendedToOpposite(const DenseBase<OtherDerived>& other) const -> OppositeExtendedType<OtherDerived>::Type
auto redux_length() const -> Index

Protected variables

ExpressionTypeNested m_matrix

Enum documentation

template<typename ExpressionType, int Direction>
enum Eigen::VectorwiseOp<ExpressionType, Direction>::(anonymous)


template<typename ExpressionType, int Direction>
enum Eigen::VectorwiseOp<ExpressionType, Direction>::(anonymous)


Typedef documentation

template<typename ExpressionType, int Direction>
typedef ReturnType<internal::member_all>::Type Eigen::VectorwiseOp<ExpressionType, Direction>::AllReturnType

template<typename ExpressionType, int Direction>
typedef ReturnType<internal::member_any>::Type Eigen::VectorwiseOp<ExpressionType, Direction>::AnyReturnType

template<typename ExpressionType, int Direction>
typedef ReturnType<internal::member_blueNorm, RealScalar>::Type Eigen::VectorwiseOp<ExpressionType, Direction>::BlueNormReturnType

template<typename ExpressionType, int Direction>
typedef Reverse<const ExpressionType, Direction> Eigen::VectorwiseOp<ExpressionType, Direction>::ConstReverseReturnType

template<typename ExpressionType, int Direction>
typedef PartialReduxExpr<ExpressionType, internal::member_count<Index, Scalar>, Direction> Eigen::VectorwiseOp<ExpressionType, Direction>::CountReturnType

template<typename ExpressionType, int Direction>
typedef ExpressionType::PlainObject Eigen::VectorwiseOp<ExpressionType, Direction>::CrossReturnType

template<typename ExpressionType, int Direction>
typedef internal::ref_selector<ExpressionType>::non_const_type Eigen::VectorwiseOp<ExpressionType, Direction>::ExpressionTypeNested

template<typename ExpressionType, int Direction>
typedef internal::remove_all<ExpressionTypeNested>::type Eigen::VectorwiseOp<ExpressionType, Direction>::ExpressionTypeNestedCleaned

template<typename ExpressionType, int Direction>
typedef Block<const ExpressionType, Direction==Vertical ? int(HNormalized_SizeMinusOne) :int(internal::traits<ExpressionType>::RowsAtCompileTime), Direction==Horizontal ? int(HNormalized_SizeMinusOne) :int(internal::traits<ExpressionType>::ColsAtCompileTime)> Eigen::VectorwiseOp<ExpressionType, Direction>::HNormalized_Block

template<typename ExpressionType, int Direction>
typedef Block<const ExpressionType, Direction==Vertical ? 1 :int(internal::traits<ExpressionType>::RowsAtCompileTime), Direction==Horizontal ? 1 :int(internal::traits<ExpressionType>::ColsAtCompileTime)> Eigen::VectorwiseOp<ExpressionType, Direction>::HNormalized_Factors

template<typename ExpressionType, int Direction>
typedef CwiseBinaryOp<internal::scalar_quotient_op<typename internal::traits<ExpressionType>::Scalar>, const HNormalized_Block, const Replicate<HNormalized_Factors, Direction==Vertical ? HNormalized_SizeMinusOne :1, Direction==Horizontal ? HNormalized_SizeMinusOne :1>> Eigen::VectorwiseOp<ExpressionType, Direction>::HNormalizedReturnType

template<typename ExpressionType, int Direction>
typedef Homogeneous<ExpressionType, Direction> Eigen::VectorwiseOp<ExpressionType, Direction>::HomogeneousReturnType

template<typename ExpressionType, int Direction>
typedef ReturnType<internal::member_hypotNorm, RealScalar>::Type Eigen::VectorwiseOp<ExpressionType, Direction>::HypotNormReturnType

template<typename ExpressionType, int Direction>
typedef Eigen::Index Eigen::VectorwiseOp<ExpressionType, Direction>::Index

template<typename ExpressionType, int Direction>
typedef ReturnType<internal::member_maxCoeff>::Type Eigen::VectorwiseOp<ExpressionType, Direction>::MaxCoeffReturnType

template<typename ExpressionType, int Direction>
typedef ReturnType<internal::member_minCoeff>::Type Eigen::VectorwiseOp<ExpressionType, Direction>::MinCoeffReturnType

template<typename ExpressionType, int Direction>
typedef CwiseUnaryOp<internal::scalar_sqrt_op<RealScalar>, const SquaredNormReturnType> Eigen::VectorwiseOp<ExpressionType, Direction>::NormReturnType

template<typename ExpressionType, int Direction>
typedef ReturnType<internal::member_prod>::Type Eigen::VectorwiseOp<ExpressionType, Direction>::ProdReturnType

template<typename ExpressionType, int Direction>
typedef ExpressionType::RealScalar Eigen::VectorwiseOp<ExpressionType, Direction>::RealScalar

template<typename ExpressionType, int Direction>
typedef Replicate<ExpressionType,(isVertical?Dynamic:1),(isHorizontal?Dynamic:1)> Eigen::VectorwiseOp<ExpressionType, Direction>::ReplicateReturnType

template<typename ExpressionType, int Direction>
typedef Reverse<ExpressionType, Direction> Eigen::VectorwiseOp<ExpressionType, Direction>::ReverseReturnType

template<typename ExpressionType, int Direction>
typedef ExpressionType::Scalar Eigen::VectorwiseOp<ExpressionType, Direction>::Scalar

template<typename ExpressionType, int Direction>
typedef PartialReduxExpr<const CwiseUnaryOp<internal::scalar_abs2_op<Scalar>, const ExpressionTypeNestedCleaned>, internal::member_sum<RealScalar, RealScalar>, Direction> Eigen::VectorwiseOp<ExpressionType, Direction>::SquaredNormReturnType

template<typename ExpressionType, int Direction>
typedef ReturnType<internal::member_stableNorm, RealScalar>::Type Eigen::VectorwiseOp<ExpressionType, Direction>::StableNormReturnType

template<typename ExpressionType, int Direction>
typedef ReturnType<internal::member_sum>::Type Eigen::VectorwiseOp<ExpressionType, Direction>::SumReturnType

Function documentation

template<typename ExpressionType, int Direction>
Eigen::VectorwiseOp<ExpressionType, Direction>::VectorwiseOp(ExpressionType& matrix) explicit

template<typename ExpressionType, int Direction>
const ExpressionType& Eigen::VectorwiseOp<ExpressionType, Direction>::_expression() const

template<typename ExpressionType, int Direction>
const AllReturnType Eigen::VectorwiseOp<ExpressionType, Direction>::all() const

Returns a row (or column) vector expression representing whether all coefficients of each respective column (or row) are true. This expression can be assigned to a vector with entries of type bool.

template<typename ExpressionType, int Direction>
const AnyReturnType Eigen::VectorwiseOp<ExpressionType, Direction>::any() const

Returns a row (or column) vector expression representing whether at least one coefficient of each respective column (or row) is true. This expression can be assigned to a vector with entries of type bool.

template<typename ExpressionType, int Direction>
iterator Eigen::VectorwiseOp<ExpressionType, Direction>::begin() const

returns an iterator to the first row (rowwise) or column (colwise) of the nested expression.

template<typename ExpressionType, int Direction>
const BlueNormReturnType Eigen::VectorwiseOp<ExpressionType, Direction>::blueNorm() const

Returns a row (or column) vector expression of the norm of each column (or row) of the referenced expression, using Blue's algorithm. This is a vector with real entries, even if the original matrix has complex entries.

template<typename ExpressionType, int Direction>
const_iterator Eigen::VectorwiseOp<ExpressionType, Direction>::cbegin() const

const version of begin()

template<typename ExpressionType, int Direction>
const_iterator Eigen::VectorwiseOp<ExpressionType, Direction>::cend() const

const version of end()

template<typename ExpressionType, int Direction>
const CountReturnType Eigen::VectorwiseOp<ExpressionType, Direction>::count() const

Returns a row (or column) vector expression representing the number of true coefficients of each respective column (or row). This expression can be assigned to a vector whose entries have the same type as is used to index entries of the original matrix; for dense matrices, this is std::ptrdiff_t .


Matrix3d m = Matrix3d::Random();
cout << "Here is the matrix m:" << endl << m << endl;
Matrix<ptrdiff_t, 3, 1> res = (m.array() >= 0.5).rowwise().count();
cout << "Here is the count of elements larger or equal than 0.5 of each row:" << endl;
cout << res << endl;


Here is the matrix m:
  0.68  0.597  -0.33
-0.211  0.823  0.536
 0.566 -0.605 -0.444
Here is the count of elements larger or equal than 0.5 of each row:

template<typename ExpressionType, int Direction> template<typename OtherDerived>
const CrossReturnType Eigen::VectorwiseOp<ExpressionType, Direction>::cross(const MatrixBase<OtherDerived>& other) const

Returns a matrix expression of the cross product of each column or row of the referenced expression with the other vector.

This is defined in the Geometry module. #include <Eigen/Geometry>

The referenced matrix must have one dimension equal to 3. The result matrix has the same dimensions than the referenced one.

template<typename ExpressionType, int Direction>
typedef Eigen::VectorwiseOp<ExpressionType, Direction>::EIGEN_EXPR_BINARYOP_SCALAR_RETURN_TYPE(SumReturnType, Scalar, quotient) MeanReturnType

template<typename ExpressionType, int Direction>
iterator Eigen::VectorwiseOp<ExpressionType, Direction>::end() const

returns an iterator to the row (resp. column) following the last row (resp. column) of the nested expression

template<typename ExpressionType, int Direction>
const HNormalizedReturnType Eigen::VectorwiseOp<ExpressionType, Direction>::hnormalized() const

column or row-wise homogeneous normalization

Returns an expression of the first N-1 coefficients of each column (or row) of *this divided by the last coefficient of each column (or row).

This is defined in the Geometry module. #include <Eigen/Geometry>

This can be used to convert homogeneous coordinates to affine coordinates.

It is conceptually equivalent to calling MatrixBase::hnormalized() to each column (or row) of *this.


Matrix4Xd M = Matrix4Xd::Random(4,5);
Projective3d P(Matrix4d::Random());
cout << "The matrix M is:" << endl << M << endl << endl;
cout << "M.colwise().hnormalized():" << endl << M.colwise().hnormalized() << endl << endl;
cout << "P*M:" << endl << P*M << endl << endl;
cout << "(P*M).colwise().hnormalized():" << endl << (P*M).colwise().hnormalized() << endl << endl;


The matrix M is:
   0.68   0.823  -0.444   -0.27   0.271
 -0.211  -0.605   0.108  0.0268   0.435
  0.566   -0.33 -0.0452   0.904  -0.717
  0.597   0.536   0.258   0.832   0.214

  1.14   1.53  -1.72 -0.325   1.27
-0.354  -1.13  0.419 0.0322   2.03
 0.949 -0.614 -0.175   1.09  -3.35

  0.186  -0.589   0.369    1.33   -1.23
 -0.871  -0.337   0.127  -0.715   0.091
 -0.158 -0.0104   0.312   0.429  -0.478
  0.992   0.777  -0.373   0.468  -0.651

  0.188  -0.759  -0.989    2.85    1.89
 -0.877  -0.433  -0.342   -1.53   -0.14
  -0.16 -0.0134  -0.837   0.915   0.735

template<typename ExpressionType, int Direction>
HomogeneousReturnType Eigen::VectorwiseOp<ExpressionType, Direction>::homogeneous() const

Returns an expression where the value 1 is symbolically appended as the final coefficient to each column (or row) of the matrix.

This is defined in the Geometry module. #include <Eigen/Geometry>

This can be used to convert affine coordinates to homogeneous coordinates.


Matrix3Xd M = Matrix3Xd::Random(3,5);
Projective3d P(Matrix4d::Random());
cout << "The matrix M is:" << endl << M << endl << endl;
cout << "M.colwise().homogeneous():" << endl << M.colwise().homogeneous() << endl << endl;
cout << "P * M.colwise().homogeneous():" << endl << P * M.colwise().homogeneous() << endl << endl;
cout << "P * M.colwise().homogeneous().hnormalized(): " << endl << (P * M.colwise().homogeneous()).colwise().hnormalized() << endl << endl;


The matrix M is:
   0.68   0.597   -0.33   0.108   -0.27
 -0.211   0.823   0.536 -0.0452  0.0268
  0.566  -0.605  -0.444   0.258   0.904

   0.68   0.597   -0.33   0.108   -0.27
 -0.211   0.823   0.536 -0.0452  0.0268
  0.566  -0.605  -0.444   0.258   0.904
      1       1       1       1       1

P * M.colwise().homogeneous():
0.0832 -0.477  -1.21 -0.545 -0.452
 0.998  0.779  0.695  0.894  0.277
-0.271 -0.608 -0.895 -0.544 -0.874
-0.728 -0.551  0.202  -0.21 -0.469

P * M.colwise().homogeneous().hnormalized(): 
-0.114  0.866     -6    2.6  0.962
 -1.37  -1.41   3.44  -4.27 -0.591
 0.373    1.1  -4.43    2.6   1.86

template<typename ExpressionType, int Direction>
const HypotNormReturnType Eigen::VectorwiseOp<ExpressionType, Direction>::hypotNorm() const

Returns a row (or column) vector expression of the norm of each column (or row) of the referenced expression, avoiding underflow and overflow using a concatenation of hypot() calls. This is a vector with real entries, even if the original matrix has complex entries.

template<typename ExpressionType, int Direction> template<int p>
const LpNormReturnType<p>::Type Eigen::VectorwiseOp<ExpressionType, Direction>::lpNorm() const

Returns a row (or column) vector expression of the norm of each column (or row) of the referenced expression. This is a vector with real entries, even if the original matrix has complex entries.


Matrix3d m = Matrix3d::Random();
cout << "Here is the matrix m:" << endl << m << endl;
cout << "Here is the norm of each column:" << endl << m.colwise().norm() << endl;


Here is the matrix m:
  0.68  0.597  -0.33
-0.211  0.823  0.536
 0.566 -0.605 -0.444
Here is the norm of each column:
 0.91  1.18 0.771

template<typename ExpressionType, int Direction>
const MaxCoeffReturnType Eigen::VectorwiseOp<ExpressionType, Direction>::maxCoeff() const

Returns a row (or column) vector expression of the largest coefficient of each column (or row) of the referenced expression.


Matrix3d m = Matrix3d::Random();
cout << "Here is the matrix m:" << endl << m << endl;
cout << "Here is the maximum of each column:" << endl << m.colwise().maxCoeff() << endl;


Here is the matrix m:
  0.68  0.597  -0.33
-0.211  0.823  0.536
 0.566 -0.605 -0.444
Here is the maximum of each column:
 0.68 0.823 0.536

template<typename ExpressionType, int Direction>
const MeanReturnType Eigen::VectorwiseOp<ExpressionType, Direction>::mean() const

Returns a row (or column) vector expression of the mean of each column (or row) of the referenced expression.

template<typename ExpressionType, int Direction>
const MinCoeffReturnType Eigen::VectorwiseOp<ExpressionType, Direction>::minCoeff() const

Returns a row (or column) vector expression of the smallest coefficient of each column (or row) of the referenced expression.


Matrix3d m = Matrix3d::Random();
cout << "Here is the matrix m:" << endl << m << endl;
cout << "Here is the minimum of each column:" << endl << m.colwise().minCoeff() << endl;


Here is the matrix m:
  0.68  0.597  -0.33
-0.211  0.823  0.536
 0.566 -0.605 -0.444
Here is the minimum of each column:
-0.211 -0.605 -0.444

template<typename ExpressionType, int Direction>
const NormReturnType Eigen::VectorwiseOp<ExpressionType, Direction>::norm() const

Returns a row (or column) vector expression of the norm of each column (or row) of the referenced expression. This is a vector with real entries, even if the original matrix has complex entries.


Matrix3d m = Matrix3d::Random();
cout << "Here is the matrix m:" << endl << m << endl;
cout << "Here is the norm of each column:" << endl << m.colwise().norm() << endl;


Here is the matrix m:
  0.68  0.597  -0.33
-0.211  0.823  0.536
 0.566 -0.605 -0.444
Here is the norm of each column:
 0.91  1.18 0.771

template<typename ExpressionType, int Direction>
void Eigen::VectorwiseOp<ExpressionType, Direction>::normalize()

Normalize in-place each row or columns of the referenced matrix.

template<typename ExpressionType, int Direction>
CwiseBinaryOp<internal::scalar_quotient_op<Scalar>, const ExpressionTypeNestedCleaned, const typename OppositeExtendedType<NormReturnType>::Type> Eigen::VectorwiseOp<ExpressionType, Direction>::normalized() const

Returns an expression where each column (or row) of the referenced matrix are normalized. The referenced matrix is not modified.

template<typename ExpressionType, int Direction> template<typename OtherDerived>
CwiseBinaryOp<internal::scalar_product_op<Scalar>, const ExpressionTypeNestedCleaned, const typename ExtendedType<OtherDerived>::Type> Eigen::VectorwiseOp<ExpressionType, Direction>::operator*(const DenseBase<OtherDerived>& other) const

Returns the expression where each subvector is the product of the vector other by the corresponding subvector of *this

template<typename ExpressionType, int Direction> template<typename OtherDerived>
ExpressionType& Eigen::VectorwiseOp<ExpressionType, Direction>::operator*=(const DenseBase<OtherDerived>& other)

Multiples each subvector of *this by the vector other

template<typename ExpressionType, int Direction> template<typename OtherDerived>
CwiseBinaryOp<internal::scalar_sum_op<Scalar, typename OtherDerived::Scalar>, const ExpressionTypeNestedCleaned, const typename ExtendedType<OtherDerived>::Type> Eigen::VectorwiseOp<ExpressionType, Direction>::operator+(const DenseBase<OtherDerived>& other) const

Returns the expression of the sum of the vector other to each subvector of *this

template<typename ExpressionType, int Direction> template<typename OtherDerived>
ExpressionType& Eigen::VectorwiseOp<ExpressionType, Direction>::operator+=(const DenseBase<OtherDerived>& other)

Adds the vector other to each subvector of *this

template<typename ExpressionType, int Direction> template<typename OtherDerived>
CwiseBinaryOp<internal::scalar_difference_op<Scalar, typename OtherDerived::Scalar>, const ExpressionTypeNestedCleaned, const typename ExtendedType<OtherDerived>::Type> Eigen::VectorwiseOp<ExpressionType, Direction>::operator-(const DenseBase<OtherDerived>& other) const

Returns the expression of the difference between each subvector of *this and the vector other

template<typename ExpressionType, int Direction> template<typename OtherDerived>
ExpressionType& Eigen::VectorwiseOp<ExpressionType, Direction>::operator-=(const DenseBase<OtherDerived>& other)

Substracts the vector other to each subvector of *this

template<typename ExpressionType, int Direction> template<typename OtherDerived>
CwiseBinaryOp<internal::scalar_quotient_op<Scalar>, const ExpressionTypeNestedCleaned, const typename ExtendedType<OtherDerived>::Type> Eigen::VectorwiseOp<ExpressionType, Direction>::operator/(const DenseBase<OtherDerived>& other) const

Returns the expression where each subvector is the quotient of the corresponding subvector of *this by the vector other

template<typename ExpressionType, int Direction> template<typename OtherDerived>
ExpressionType& Eigen::VectorwiseOp<ExpressionType, Direction>::operator/=(const DenseBase<OtherDerived>& other)

Divides each subvector of *this by the vector other

template<typename ExpressionType, int Direction> template<typename OtherDerived>
ExpressionType& Eigen::VectorwiseOp<ExpressionType, Direction>::operator=(const DenseBase<OtherDerived>& other)

Copies the vector other to each subvector of *this

template<typename ExpressionType, int Direction>
const ProdReturnType Eigen::VectorwiseOp<ExpressionType, Direction>::prod() const

Returns a row (or column) vector expression of the product of each column (or row) of the referenced expression.


Matrix3d m = Matrix3d::Random();
cout << "Here is the matrix m:" << endl << m << endl;
cout << "Here is the product of each row:" << endl << m.rowwise().prod() << endl;


Here is the matrix m:
  0.68  0.597  -0.33
-0.211  0.823  0.536
 0.566 -0.605 -0.444
Here is the product of each row:

template<typename ExpressionType, int Direction> template<typename BinaryOp>
const ReduxReturnType<BinaryOp>::Type Eigen::VectorwiseOp<ExpressionType, Direction>::redux(const BinaryOp& func = BinaryOp()) const

Returns a row or column vector expression of *this reduxed by func

The template parameter BinaryOp is the type of the functor of the custom redux operator. Note that func must be an associative operator.

template<typename ExpressionType, int Direction>
const ReplicateReturnType Eigen::VectorwiseOp<ExpressionType, Direction>::replicate(Index factor) const

Returns an expression of the replication of each column (or row) of *this


Vector3i v = Vector3i::Random();
cout << "Here is the vector v:" << endl << v << endl;
cout << "v.rowwise().replicate(5) = ..." << endl;
cout << v.rowwise().replicate(5) << endl;


Here is the vector v:
v.rowwise().replicate(5) = ...
 7  7  7  7  7
-2 -2 -2 -2 -2
 6  6  6  6  6

template<typename ExpressionType, int Direction> template<int Factor>
const Replicate<ExpressionType, isVertical*Factor+isHorizontal, isHorizontal*Factor+isVertical> Eigen::VectorwiseOp<ExpressionType, Direction>::replicate(Index factor = Factor) const

Returns an expression of the replication of each column (or row) of *this


MatrixXi m = MatrixXi::Random(2,3);
cout << "Here is the matrix m:" << endl << m << endl;
cout << "m.colwise().replicate<3>() = ..." << endl;
cout << m.colwise().replicate<3>() << endl;


Here is the matrix m:
 7  6  9
-2  6 -6
m.colwise().replicate<3>() = ...
 7  6  9
-2  6 -6
 7  6  9
-2  6 -6
 7  6  9
-2  6 -6

template<typename ExpressionType, int Direction>
const ConstReverseReturnType Eigen::VectorwiseOp<ExpressionType, Direction>::reverse() const

Returns a matrix expression where each column (or row) are reversed.


MatrixXi m = MatrixXi::Random(3,4);
cout << "Here is the matrix m:" << endl << m << endl;
cout << "Here is the rowwise reverse of m:" << endl << m.rowwise().reverse() << endl;
cout << "Here is the colwise reverse of m:" << endl << m.colwise().reverse() << endl;

cout << "Here is the coefficient (1,0) in the rowise reverse of m:" << endl
<< m.rowwise().reverse()(1,0) << endl;
cout << "Let us overwrite this coefficient with the value 4." << endl;
//m.colwise().reverse()(1,0) = 4;
cout << "Now the matrix m is:" << endl << m << endl;


Here is the matrix m:
 7  6 -3  1
-2  9  6  0
 6 -6 -5  3
Here is the rowwise reverse of m:
 1 -3  6  7
 0  6  9 -2
 3 -5 -6  6
Here is the colwise reverse of m:
 6 -6 -5  3
-2  9  6  0
 7  6 -3  1
Here is the coefficient (1,0) in the rowise reverse of m:
Let us overwrite this coefficient with the value 4.
Now the matrix m is:
 7  6 -3  1
-2  9  6  0
 6 -6 -5  3

template<typename ExpressionType, int Direction>
ReverseReturnType Eigen::VectorwiseOp<ExpressionType, Direction>::reverse()

Returns a writable matrix expression where each column (or row) are reversed.

template<typename ExpressionType, int Direction>
void Eigen::VectorwiseOp<ExpressionType, Direction>::reverseInPlace()

This is the "in place" version of VectorwiseOp::reverse: it reverses each column or row of *this.

In most cases it is probably better to simply use the reversed expression of a matrix. However, when reversing the matrix data itself is really needed, then this "in-place" version is probably the right choice because it provides the following additional benefits:

  • less error prone: doing the same operation with .reverse() requires special care: m = m.reverse().eval();
  • this API enables reverse operations without the need for a temporary

template<typename ExpressionType, int Direction>
const SquaredNormReturnType Eigen::VectorwiseOp<ExpressionType, Direction>::squaredNorm() const

Returns a row (or column) vector expression of the squared norm of each column (or row) of the referenced expression. This is a vector with real entries, even if the original matrix has complex entries.


Matrix3d m = Matrix3d::Random();
cout << "Here is the matrix m:" << endl << m << endl;
cout << "Here is the square norm of each row:" << endl << m.rowwise().squaredNorm() << endl;


Here is the matrix m:
  0.68  0.597  -0.33
-0.211  0.823  0.536
 0.566 -0.605 -0.444
Here is the square norm of each row:

template<typename ExpressionType, int Direction>
const StableNormReturnType Eigen::VectorwiseOp<ExpressionType, Direction>::stableNorm() const

Returns a row (or column) vector expression of the norm of each column (or row) of the referenced expression, avoiding underflow and overflow. This is a vector with real entries, even if the original matrix has complex entries.

template<typename ExpressionType, int Direction>
const SumReturnType Eigen::VectorwiseOp<ExpressionType, Direction>::sum() const

Returns a row (or column) vector expression of the sum of each column (or row) of the referenced expression.


Matrix3d m = Matrix3d::Random();
cout << "Here is the matrix m:" << endl << m << endl;
cout << "Here is the sum of each row:" << endl << m.rowwise().sum() << endl;


Here is the matrix m:
  0.68  0.597  -0.33
-0.211  0.823  0.536
 0.566 -0.605 -0.444
Here is the sum of each row:

template<typename ExpressionType, int Direction> template<typename OtherDerived>
ExtendedType<OtherDerived>::Type Eigen::VectorwiseOp<ExpressionType, Direction>::extendedTo(const DenseBase<OtherDerived>& other) const protected

template<typename ExpressionType, int Direction> template<typename OtherDerived>
OppositeExtendedType<OtherDerived>::Type Eigen::VectorwiseOp<ExpressionType, Direction>::extendedToOpposite(const DenseBase<OtherDerived>& other) const protected

template<typename ExpressionType, int Direction>
Index Eigen::VectorwiseOp<ExpressionType, Direction>::redux_length() const protected

Variable documentation

template<typename ExpressionType, int Direction>
random_access_iterator_type Eigen::VectorwiseOp<ExpressionType, Direction>::const_iterator

This is the const version of iterator (aka read-only)

template<typename ExpressionType, int Direction>
random_access_iterator_type Eigen::VectorwiseOp<ExpressionType, Direction>::iterator

STL-like RandomAccessIterator iterator type over the columns or rows as returned by the begin() and end() methods.

template<typename ExpressionType, int Direction>
ExpressionTypeNested Eigen::VectorwiseOp<ExpressionType, Direction>::m_matrix protected