template<typename Derived>
Eigen::SolverBase class

A base class for matrix decomposition and solvers.

Template parameters
Derived the actual type of the decomposition/solver.

Any matrix decomposition inheriting this base class provide the following API:

MatrixType A, b, x;
DecompositionType dec(A);
x = dec.solve(b);             // solve A   * x = b
x = dec.transpose().solve(b); // solve A^T * x = b
x = dec.adjoint().solve(b);   // solve A'  * x = b

Base classes

template<typename Derived>
class EigenBase

Constructors, destructors, conversion operators


Public functions

auto adjoint() const -> AdjointReturnType
auto derived() const -> const Derived&
auto derived() -> Derived&
template<typename Rhs>
auto solve(const MatrixBase<Rhs>& b) const -> const Solve<Derived, Rhs>
auto transpose() const -> ConstTransposeReturnType

Function documentation

template<typename Derived>

Default constructor

template<typename Derived>
AdjointReturnType Eigen::SolverBase<Derived>::adjoint() const

Returns an expression of the adjoint of the factored matrix

A typical usage is to solve for the adjoint problem A' x = b: x = dec.adjoint().solve(b);

For real scalar types, this function is equivalent to transpose().

template<typename Derived>
const Derived& Eigen::SolverBase<Derived>::derived() const

Returns a const reference to the derived object

template<typename Derived>
Derived& Eigen::SolverBase<Derived>::derived()

Returns a reference to the derived object

template<typename Derived> template<typename Rhs>
const Solve<Derived, Rhs> Eigen::SolverBase<Derived>::solve(const MatrixBase<Rhs>& b) const

Returns an expression of the solution x of $ A x = b $ using the current decomposition of A.

template<typename Derived>
ConstTransposeReturnType Eigen::SolverBase<Derived>::transpose() const

Returns an expression of the transposed of the factored matrix.

A typical usage is to solve for the transposed problem A^T x = b: x = dec.transpose().solve(b);